
September 2018 Philadelphia Chapter of Pax Christi U.S.A.


Echoes In Purgatory

Remember the Prisoners, Pope Francis

A Reflection by Elizabeth Geyer – Prison Advocate
and girlfriend of a Pennsylvania Lifer at SCI Phoenix

Life at SCI Phoenix

has been extremely difficult for the men transitioning there from SCI Graterford. The majority of the

men like my boyfriend, George Trudel, spent decades at Graterford prison. They had a camaraderie with the men and
guards they lived and interacted with. There was a rhythm to the way the prison operated. Most men followed an unspoken rule of decency, dignity, and mutual respect.

This way of life came to a halt when approximately 3,000 men were moved to the new $400 million dollar prison. The environment at SCI Phoenix is stringent, constricted, and callous. Being in a maximum security prison isn't punishment enough, I suppose? The camaraderie was purposely broken up immediately. Separating men who have lived on the same blocks for 20, 25, 30+ years. This has caused a great deal of depression for the men.

The move to SCI Phoenix has caused a high level of anxiety for the men. The conditions are closely controlled. Three men chose to commit suicide rather than deal with the way their life is, since coming to SCI Phoenix.

I personally can speak of the change in my boyfriend. It breaks my heart. He is always a funny person with a light attitude, even though he has spent the last 30 years of his life incarcerated, serving life without parole. George has spent the last 27 years of this time at SCI Graterford. Since he moved to SCI Phoenix on July 15, 2018, he rarely laughs or finds humor in anything we talk about. He is frustrated all of the time and suffers with a lot of anxiety. The biggest worry for most of the men is being forced to live in the same cell with someone. Most men at SCI Graterford have lived in their cell alone for decades. My boyfriend has lived alone for the last 28 years of his life. It creates a tremendous level of stress for them. The anticipation of living with someone in such close quarters is nerve wracking.

The most alarming situation happening presently, is the PA DOC implementing these horrific policies of removing all books, removing all food and beverages from the visiting rooms, and taking away the process in which they receive mail ( no more cards or original letters from loved ones) all photocopied and sent to Florida first to have scanned and put into a database. This inhumane treatment of prisoners must be stopped. It is cruel and unusual punishment.

Contact the following to voice your concern and opposition to the DOC policies at Phoenix Governor Tom Wolf

P: 717-787-2500 F: 717-772-8284

MAIL: Office of the Governor

508 Main Capitol Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120

Secretary of the Department of Corrections:, Mr. John Wetzel,

Elizabeth Geyer

Department of Corrections, 1920 Technology Parkway

Mechanicsburg, PA 17050

P: 717.728.2573 Central Office Email:

Senator and State Representatives: